
English below

第1条 利用規約

1. このS-PACE利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)は、株式会社小学館(以下「当社」といいます。)がこのウェブサイトにおいて提供するサービス「S-PACE」(当該サイト上でコンテンツ(第2条第1項第1号で定義します。)を視聴することができるサービス、当社が管理又は運営するサービス等に当該サイトを通じてアクセスし、これを当社が別途指定するウェブページ上で利用等することができるサービスその他当該サイトに付随するサービスを含み、以下「本サービス」と総称します。)を利用するお客様(以下「ユーザー」といいます。)と当社との間で、本サービスの利用に関する条件を定めるものです。
2. 本サービスに関して別途規約(規約、規程、ご利用条件、マニュアル、ガイドラインその他の名称を問いません。以下「個別規約」といいます。)が定められている場合、ユーザーは、本規約及び個別規約に基づき本サービスを利用するものとします。なお、本規約と個別規約に定める内容が異なる場合には個別規約に定める内容が優先して適用されるものとします。
3. ユーザーは、本サービスを利用することにより本規約(個別規約を含みます。以下同様です。)に同意したものとみなされます。ユーザーが、本規約に同意しない場合には、本サービスを利用することはできません。
4. 本規約は、民法第548条の4の規定に基づき、当社の都合によって変更されることがあります。当社は、本規約を変更する場合には、事前に本規約を変更する旨及び変更後の本規約の内容並びに変更の効力発生時期を、本サービス内の通知その他の適切な方法により周知します。ユーザーが、かかる効力発生時期以降に本サービスを利用する場合、当該変更に同意したとみなされ、変更後の本規約が適用されるものとします。

第2条 定義

・ 通信機器又は接続機器(端末)の情報(機種名、製造番号等)
・ 本サービスの利用履歴(サービス利用状況、サービス利用に付随して取得した情報、音声データ等)
・ 端末位置情報
・ クッキー情報、検索キーワード、ウェブビーコン等の当社のウェブサイト等(広告を含みます。)にアクセスした際に取得される履歴情報(クリック履歴、表示履歴を含みます。)
(11)「S-PACE ID」とは、次条第1項の利用登録時に登録するユーザーのIDをいい、ユーザーが小学館ID(当社の各サービスを利用するための共通アカウント)を用いて利用登録をしたときはその小学館IDを含みます。
(12)「ゲスト利用」とは、S-PACE IDによるログインを行わずに本サービスを利用することをいいます。

第3条 利用登録

1. 本サービスの利用を希望する者(以下「登録希望者」といいます。)は、本規約を遵守することに同意し、かつ当社の定める一定の情報(以下「登録情報」といいます。)を当社の定める方法で当社に提供することにより、当社に対し、本サービスの利用の登録(以下「利用登録」といいます。)を申請することができます。
2. 利用登録の申請は必ず本サービスを利用する個人又は法人自身が行わなければならず、原則として代理人による登録申請は認められません。また、登録希望者は、利用登録の申請にあたり、真実、正確かつ最新の情報を当社に提供しなければなりません。
3. 当社は、第1項に基づき利用登録を申請した者が、以下の各号のいずれかの事由に該当する場合は、利用登録を拒否することがあります。登録希望者は、利用登録の申請にあたり、これらのいずれにも該当しないことを当社に対して表明及び保証します。
4. 当社は、前項その他当社の基準に従って、登録希望者の利用登録の可否を判断し、当社が利用登録を認める場合にはその旨を登録希望者に通知します(登録希望者が本サービスのうち利用登録をしたユーザーに対してのみ提供されるサービスの利用が可能な状態となった場合には、これをもって利用登録を認める通知があったものとみなします。)。かかる通知により登録希望者の利用登録は完了し、本規約の諸規定に従った本サービスの利用に係る契約(以下「本利用契約」といいます。)がユーザーと当社の間に成立します。
5. ユーザーは、登録情報に変更があった場合は、遅滞なく、当社の定める方法により、当該変更事項を当社に通知し、当社から資料の提出を要求された場合には当該資料を速やかに提出するものとします。

第4条 ゲスト利用

1. ゲスト利用の場合は、本サービスのうち、利用登録をせずに利用できる機能に限ってご利用いただくことができます。
2. ゲスト利用の場合であっても本規約が適用されますので、その内容を全てお読みいただいたうえでご利用ください。ユーザーが本サービスのゲスト利用を開始した時点で、ユーザーと当社との間で本利用契約が成立します。
3. 未成年者、成年被後見人、被保佐人又は被補助人のユーザーがゲスト利用をされる場合には、事前に法定代理人、後見人、保佐人又は補助人の同意等を得なければなりません。これらのユーザーは、ゲスト利用にあたり、本項の同意等を得たことを当社に対して表明及び保証します。

第5条 アカウント情報の管理

1. ユーザーは、自己の責任において、本サービスに係るS-PACE ID及びパスワード(以下「アカウント情報」といいます。)を管理及び保管するものとし、これを第三者に利用させてはならず、また、貸与、譲渡、名義変更、売買その他の処分をしてはならないものとします。
2. アカウント情報の管理不十分、使用上の過誤、第三者の使用等による損害の責任はユーザーが負うものとし、当社の故意又は過失によるものを除き、当社は一切の責任を負いません。
3. ユーザーは、アカウント情報が盗まれ、又は第三者に使用されていることが判明した場合には、直ちにその旨を当社に通知するとともに、当社からの指示に従うものとします。

第6条 料金

1. 本サービスは、本規約で別段の定めがある場合を除いて無料でご利用できます。
2. 本サービス内で定められた有料コンテンツを利用する場合には、当社の定める金額の利用料金を当社の定める方法により当社の定める時期までに支払うものとします。また、当社は、理由の如何にかかわらず、すでに支払われた利用料金を一切返還しません。

第7条 本コンテンツの利用


第8条 広告の掲載


第9条 本メッセージ機能

1. ユーザーは、当社の定める方法により、本メッセージ機能を使用することができます。
2. 本メッセージ機能は、ユーザー間のクローズドな通信を行うものではなく、一方のユーザーがメッセージ内容を当社及び他方のユーザーに送信する三者間の通信を行うものです。本メッセージ機能を使用するユーザーは、本規約違反への対応等、本サービスの健全な運営活動に限り、送信するメッセージ内容が権限を持つ限られた当社のスタッフによって閲覧される場合があることについて本項においてあらかじめ承諾します。
3. 当社は、法令による場合又は裁判所若しくは政府機関その他公的機関による命令、要求若しくは要請がある場合は、当該命令等に従うために必要な限度において本メッセージ機能によって送信されたメッセージ内容を開示することができるものとします。本メッセージ機能を使用するユーザーはこれについて本項においてあらかじめ承諾します。
4. 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った措置に基づきユーザーに生じた損害について、当社の故意又は過失によるものを除き、一切の責任を負いません。

第10条 投稿コンテンツの取り扱い

投稿コンテンツに係る著作権は、投稿コンテンツを投稿等したユーザーに帰属します。ユーザーは、当社が当社のサービス(本サービスに関連して提携先等が提供するサービスを含みます。)を運営又は提供するために、国内外を問わず、無償、永久かつ非独占的に投稿コンテンツを利用できる権利を当社に許諾し、かつ、当社がユーザーから許諾された条件の範囲内で提携先等に対して投稿コンテンツの利用を許諾する権利を当社に許諾します。当社は、投稿コンテンツを当社の定めた仕様、条件等に従い、当社指定の配置、態様その他の方法で掲載及び表示するものとします。ユーザーは、投稿コンテンツに関して著作者人格権を行使しないものとします。 ユーザーは、投稿コンテンツの著作権を第三者に譲渡する場合は、本条に定める条件を譲渡先に遵守させるものとします。また、本サービスの適正な運営のため、投稿コンテンツが非公開である場合も、必要に応じて当社がその内容を閲覧できるものとします。

第11条 禁止行為


第12条 本サービスの中断・停止

1. 当社は、以下の各号のいずれかに該当すると当社が判断したときは、本サービスの全部又は一部の提供を中断又は停止することがあります。
2. 当社は、前項に基づく本サービスの全部若しくは一部の提供を中断又は停止する場合、ユーザーに対して、事前に通知するものとします。ただし、緊急の場合はこの限りではありません。なお、当社の故意又は過失によるものを除き、当社が本サービスの提供を中断又は停止するにあたり、当社はユーザーその他いかなる者に対しても、何らの責任も負わないものとします。

第13条 設備の負担等

1. 本サービスの提供を受けるために必要なコンピューター、ソフトウェアその他の機器、通信回線その他の通信環境等の準備及び維持は、ユーザーが自らの費用と責任において行うものとします。
2. ユーザーは自己の本サービスの利用環境に応じて、コンピューターウィルスの感染の防止、不正アクセス及び情報漏洩の防止等のセキュリティ対策を自らの費用と責任において講じるものとします。

第14条 登録取消等

1. 当社は、ユーザーが、以下の各号のいずれかの事由に該当する場合は、事前に通知又は催告することなく、当該ユーザーについて本サービスの利用を一時的に停止し、又はユーザーとしての利用登録を取り消すことができます。
2. 前項各号のいずれかの事由に該当した場合、ユーザーは、当社に対して負っている債務の一切について当然に期限の利益を失い、直ちに当社に対して全ての債務の支払を行わなければなりません。
3. ユーザーは、当社所定の方法で当社に通知することにより、ユーザーの利用登録を取り消すことができます。
4. 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った行為によりユーザーに生じた損害について、当社の故意又は過失によるものを除き、一切の責任を負いません。

第15条 当社の責任

1. 当社は、本コンテンツの内容に関する一切の事項につきいかなる保証も行うものではありません。当社は本サービスについて、特定の目的への適合性、商業的有用性、完全性、継続性等を含め、一切保証を致しません。
2. ユーザーが当社から直接又は間接に、本サービス、当社のウェブサイト、本サービスの他のユーザーその他の事項に関する何らかの情報を得た場合であっても、当社はユーザーに対し本規約において規定されている内容を超えていかなる保証も行うものではありません。
3. 本サービスは、第三者が提供するサービス(以下「外部サービス」といいます。)と連携することがありますが、かかる連携を何ら保証するものではありません。
4. 本サービスが外部サービスと連携している場合において、ユーザーは、当該外部サービスについてこれを提供する提携先等が定める利用規約その他の取決めを自己の費用と責任で遵守するものとし、ユーザーと当該提携先等との間で紛争等が生じた場合でも、ユーザーは自己の費用と責任によって解決するものとします。
5. ユーザーは、本サービスを利用することが、ユーザーに適用のある法令、業界団体の内部規則等に違反するか否かを自己の責任と費用に基づいて調査するものとし、当社は、ユーザーによる本サービスの利用が、ユーザーに適用のある法令、業界団体の内部規則等に適合することを何ら保証するものではありません。
6. 本サービス又は当社ウェブサイトに関連してユーザーと他のユーザー、提携先等その他の第三者との間において生じた取引、連絡、紛争等については、ユーザーの費用と責任において処理及び解決するものとします。
7. 当社は、当社による本サービスの提供の中断、停止、終了、利用不能又は変更、ユーザーのメッセージその他の情報の削除又は消失、ユーザーの利用登録の取消、本サービスの利用によるデータの消失又は機器の故障若しくは損傷、その他本サービスに関連してユーザーが被った損害につき、当社の故意又は過失によるものを除き、賠償する責任を一切負わないものとします。
8. 本サービスから他のウェブサイト若しくはサービスへのリンクが提供され、又は他のウェブサイト若しくはサービスから本サービスへのリンクが提供されている場合でも、当社は、本サービス以外のウェブサイト若しくはサービス又はそこから得られる情報に関して、一切の保証を行うものではありません。
9. 当社は、本サービスに関連してユーザーが被った損害について、当社の故意又は過失によるものを除き、一切賠償の責任を負いません。当社の過失(重大な過失を除きます。)により当社が本サービスに関してユーザーに対して損害賠償責任を負う場合においても、当社による賠償の範囲はユーザーに発生した現実、直接かつ通常の損害に限られ、予見可能性の有無を問わず、特別損害、逸失利益又はデータの破損、消失若しくは使用機会の逸失に関する損害等は除かれるものとし、かつ、損害の事由が生じた時点から遡って過去6ヶ月間に当該ユーザーから当社が現実に受領した本サービスの利用の対価の総額を上限とします。

第16条 ユーザーの賠償等の責任

1. ユーザーは、本規約に違反することにより、又は本サービスの利用に関連して当社に損害を与えた場合、当社に対しその損害を賠償しなければなりません。
2. ユーザーが、本サービスに関連して他のユーザー、提携先等その他の第三者からクレームを受け又はそれらの者との間で紛争を生じた場合には、直ちにその内容を当社に通知するとともに、ユーザーの費用と責任において当該クレーム又は紛争を処理し、当社からの要請に基づき、その経過及び結果を当社に報告するものとします。
3. ユーザーによる本サービスの利用に関連して、当社が、他のユーザー、提携先等その他の第三者から権利侵害その他の理由により何らかの請求を受けた場合は、ユーザーは当該請求に基づき当社が当該第三者に支払を余儀なくされた金額を賠償しなければなりません。

第17条 個人情報


第18条 権利帰属


第19条 完全合意


第20条 分離可能性


第21条 存続条項


第22条 準拠法及び紛争解決

1. 本規約及び本利用契約は、日本法に準拠し、解釈されるものとします。
2. 本規約の正本は日本語版であり、その英語版その他の翻訳版が参考として作成されることがあります。日本語版と翻訳版との間に矛盾抵触がある場合、日本語版が優先します。
3. 日本国内在住のユーザーとの間における本規約若しくは本利用契約又はこれらに関連して生ずることがある全ての紛争、論争若しくは意見の相違は、東京地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。



S-PACE Terms of Use

Article 1. Terms of Usage

1. These S-PACE Terms of Usage (these “Terms”) set forth the conditions pertaining to the use of “S-PACE,” a service to be provided by Shogakukan Inc. (the “Company”) on this website (including the service which enables the viewing of any content (as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1 below) on such website, the service which enables access through such website to other services, etc. managed or operated by the Company, and the use, etc., of such services on webpages separately designated by the Company, as well as other services incidental to such website; hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Service”) between the Company and the customers using the Service (“Users”).
2. If any other terms (irrespective of their names, such as terms, regulations, conditions of use, manuals or guidelines; hereinafter referred to as the “Individual Terms”) are separately set forth pertaining to the Service, Users shall use the Service in compliance with both these Terms and the Individual Terms. In addition, in the event of any discrepancy between the details set forth in these Terms and the Individual Terms, the details set forth in the Individual Terms shall prevail.
3. By using the Service, a User shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms (including the Individual Terms; the same shall apply hereinafter). If a User does not agree to these Terms, such User is not entitled to use the Service.
4. In accordance with Article 548-4 of the Civil Code, these Terms may be modified for the Company’s own reasons. When the Company makes any modification to these Terms, the Company shall announce: (i) the fact that such modification will be made; (ii) the details of the modified version of these Terms; and (iii) the time when such modification becomes effective, by means of providing advance notice within the Service or by any other appropriate means. Any User who uses the Service after such effective time shall be deemed to have agreed to such modification, and the modified version of these Terms shall be applied to such User.

Article 2. Definitions

In these Terms, the following terms shall be used:
(1) The term “content” means information such as a character, sign, text, sound, music, image, movie, software, program or code.
(2) The “Content” means any content which is accessible through the Service.
(3) “Posted Content” means any content provided by Users to the Company, within the Service, regardless of the means thereof, such as posting, registration, sending or uploading.
(4) “Post, Etc.” or “Posting, Etc.” collectively means Users’ acts of providing the Posted Content within the Service, regardless of the means thereof, such as posting, registration, sending and uploading.
(5) “Sending and Receiving” means Users’ acts of Posting, Etc. and receiving the Posted Content.
(6) “Messaging Function” means a function in the Service which enables Users to communicate details of messages (regardless of the form thereof, such as sound and text) with the Company and other Users of the Service.
(7) “Partners” means business operators who cooperate with the Company or to whom the Company entrusts any business in connection with the Service.
(8) “Intellectual Property Rights” means the rights defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Intellectual Property Basic Act (Act No. 122 of 2002) as well as any similar rights and interests, of any nature, currently recognized or which will be recognized in the future (not only in Japan but also in all countries and regions, whether or not required to be registered), including patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights (including the right to be registered in relation to patent and any other rights mentioned above), copyrights (including the rights set forth in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act) and their neighboring rights, as well as any rights pertaining to the interests protected by the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, such as knowhow, trade secret and shared data with limited access.
(9) “Intellectual Property Rights, Etc.” collectively means the Intellectual Property Rights, as well as any rights such as portrait rights, publicity rights and privacy rights and legally protected interests.
(10) “User Information” means any or all of the following types of information:
- Information pertaining to communication devices or connecting devices (terminals) (model name, production number, etc.);
- Usage history of the Service (use status of services, information and sound data obtained following use of services, etc.);
- Location data of terminals; and
- History information obtained at the time of access to the Company’s website, etc. (including advertisements) such as cookie information, search keywords and web beacons (including clicking and viewing histories).
(11) “S-PACE ID” means a User’s ID that is to be registered at the time of the Usage Registration described in Article 3, Paragraph 1 below, and includes Shogakukan ID (meaning a common account for the use of each of the Company’s services), when such User makes the Usage Registration using his/her Shogakukan ID.
(12) “Guest Use” means use of the Service without logging-in by means of an S-PACE ID.

Article 3. Usage Registration

1. Any person who wishes to use the Service (“Registration Applicant”) may apply to the Company for registration to use the Service (the “Usage Registration”) by agreeing to comply with these Terms and providing the Company with certain information designated by the Company (the “Registered Information”) using the method prescribed by the Company.
2. An application for the Usage Registration must necessarily be made by an individual or entity him/her/itself, and, in principle, registration application by proxy is not allowed. Moreover, the Registration Applicant must provide the Company with true, correct and updated information when applying for Usage Registration.
3. If any person who has applied for Usage Registration pursuant to Article 3, Paragraph 1 above falls under any of the following items, the Company may reject such Usage Registration. When applying for Usage Registration, a Registration Applicant represents and warrants to the Company that such Registration Applicant does not fall under any of the following items:
(1) A Registration Applicant that the Company considers is likely to be in breach of these Terms;
(2) A Registration Applicant for whom all or any part of the Registered Information provided thereby to the Company is false, inaccurate or insufficient;
(3) A Registration Applicant that has previously been subject to cancellation of registration to use the Service or any other service provided by the Company;
(4) A Registration Applicant that is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship or a person under assistance and that has not obtained consent, etc. from his/her legal representative, guardian, curator or assistant;
(5) A Registration Applicant that is a member of an anti-social force (meaning an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person for whom five (5) years have not yet passed since leaving an organized crime group, a quasi-member of any organized crime group, a company affiliated with any organized crime group, a corporate extortionist (“sokaiya”), etc., a racketeer advocating a social movement (“shakaiundo-hyobogoro”) or a special intelligence organized crime group (“tokushuchinoboryokushudan”) or other anti-social forces equivalent to any of the foregoing; the same shall apply hereinafter), or a Registration Applicant that the Company considers to be engaged in certain exchanges or involvement with anti-social forces, such as by providing cooperation or involvement in the maintenance, operation or management of anti-social forces through providing funds thereto, etc.; or
(6) A Registration Applicant that the Company otherwise considers inappropriate for Usage Registration.
4. The Company decides on whether or not a Registration Applicant’s Usage Registration may be approved, in accordance with the preceding paragraph and any other criteria of the Company, and when the Company approves the Usage Registration, it will provide notice to the Registration Applicant to that effect (when a Registration Applicant becomes able to use, within the Service, the services which are provided only to the Users who have completed the Usage Registration, the notice of approval of the Usage Registration shall thereby be deemed to have been provided). Upon such notice being provided, the Registration Applicant’s Usage Registration is completed, and an agreement is formed pertaining to the use of the Service in accordance with the various provisions of these Terms (the “Usage Agreement”).
5. In the event of any change in the Registered Information, the relevant User shall notify the Company of such change without delay, using the method prescribed by the Company, and if the Company requests any document, such User shall promptly submit such document to the Company.

Article 4. Guest Usage

1. In the event of Guest Usage, Users may use only the functions within the Service which may be used without Usage Registration being required.
2. Since these Terms are applicable even to Guest Usage, Users are requested to read all the details hereof. Upon a User commencing Guest Usage of the Service, a Usage Agreement shall be formed between such User and the Company.
3. When a User who is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship or a person under assistance wishes to commence Guest Usage, such User must obtain the consent, etc. of his/her legal representative, guardian, curator or assistant, in advance. For Guest Usage, such User represents and warrants that the consent, etc., set forth in this Paragraph 3 has been obtained.

Article 5. Management of Account Information

1. Each User shall manage and keep his/her S-PACE ID and password (the “Account Information”) pertaining to the Service at such User’s own responsibility, must not allow any third party to use the same, and must not lend, assign, change the name of, sell, purchase or otherwise dispose of the same.
2. Each User shall be liable for any damage arising due to insufficient management, error in use, or use by any third party, etc. of his/her Account Information, and the Company shall in no way be responsible therefor, except for any damage arising due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.
3. If it is found that any Account Information is stolen or used by any third party, Users must immediately notify the Company thereof and follow the Company’s instructions.

Article 6. Fees

1. The Service may be used free of charge, unless otherwise set forth in these Terms.
2. In the event that a User uses any paid content designated in the Service, such User shall pay the usage fees in the amount determined by the Company before the time fixed by the Company using the method prescribed by the Company. Furthermore, the Company will not reimburse any already-paid usage fees for any reason.

Article 7. Usage of Content

Users are entitled to use the Content only by viewing the same or otherwise within the scope of the functions to be provided by the Company in the Service, and Users shall not, unless separately permitted by the Company, use the same by any means such as reproduction (excluding reproduction for personal use), adaptation and public transmission (including Posting, Etc., on any service or website including on any social media service provided by a third party) beyond the scope of the functions to be provided by the Company in the Service.

Article 8. Posting of Advertisements

The Company may post advertisements pertaining to the Company’s or any third party’s products or services, etc., to Users within the Service, and Users accept the same in advance.

Article 9. Messaging Function

1. Users may use the Messaging Function using the method prescribed by the Company.
2. The Messaging Function enables communication among three parties (i.e., a User sends details of a message to the Company and another User), and it does not constitute closed communication between Users. Any User who will use the Messaging Function hereby agrees, in advance, that the details of the messages to be sent by such User may be viewed by limited and authorized members of the Company staff only for the activities of ensuring the sound operation of the Service, such as responding to any breach of these Terms.
3. In the case where required to do so by laws or regulations or by an order, request or requirement by a court, government agency or other public body, the Company may disclose the details of messages sent through the Messaging Function to the necessary extent to comply with such order, etc. Any User who will use the Messaging Function hereby provides advance agreement to such effect.
4. The Company shall in no way be responsible for any damage incurred by any User due to any measures taken by the Company under this Article 9, except for any damage arising due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.

Article 10. Handling of Posted Content

In the event of handling the Posted Content pertaining to the Service, each of the following items shall apply:
(1) Licensing of Posted Content to Company
The copyright for the Posted Content shall be owned by the User who has Posted, Etc., such Posted Content. Users grant the Company the right to use the Posted Content free of charge in a permanent and non-exclusive manner, as well as the right to grant the Partners a license to use the Posted Content within the scope of the license granted by Users, both in and out of Japan, in order to operate or provide the Company’s services (including any service to be provided by the Partners in connection with the Service). The Company shall post and indicate the Posted Content in accordance with the specifications, conditions, etc., set forth by the Company, in the arrangement and mode designated by the Company or otherwise. Users shall not exercise any author’s moral rights for the Posted Content. If a User assigns his/her copyright for any Posted Content to a third party, such User shall cause the assignee to comply with the conditions set forth in this Article 10. Further, even if the Posted Content is not made public, the Company shall be entitled to view the details thereof, as necessary, for the purpose of appropriate operation of the Service.
(2) Deletion of Posted Content by Company
If the Company reasonably considers that the Posted Content is or is likely to be in violation of any law or regulation, in breach of these Terms, or infringing on any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights, Etc., the Company shall be entitled to delete the same, without being required to provide Users with any notice.
(3) Backup of Posted Content
Users shall backup the Posted Content at their own responsibility, and the Company shall assume no liability to backup the same.
(4) Change, etc. by Users of Posted Content
When a User is entitled to make any change to or deletion of the Posted Content in the Service, such change or deletion may be made by such User only by means of the ID that such User has used for Sending and Receiving the Posted Content.
(5) Disclosure of Posted Content to Third Parties
Even if the Posted Content is not made public, such Posted Content may be disclosed when required by a court, administrative agency or other public body.

Article 11. Prohibited Acts

With regard to the Service, Users must not engage in any act falling under or likely to fall under any of the items listed below:
(1) Any act against the laws and regulations or public order, or any other act against rules, etc. generally complied with on the Internet;
(2) Any act of causing any detriment, nuisance, discomfort or damage to the Company or any third party;
(3) Any act of re-providing the Service to any third party without the Company’s prior approval, whether paid or free of charge;
(4) Any act of malicious slandering, insult or discrimination or any other act of causing damage or harm to the Company’s or any third party’s moral interest, such as reputation, credibility or privacy, or human rights, or any act of endorsing, soliciting, providing benefits or cooperation to, promoting, facilitating or inducing the same;
(5) Any act of infringing on the Company’s or any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights, Etc.;
(6) Any criminal act such as murder, terrorism, abuse, injury, violence, intimidation, theft, robbery or sexual misconduct, or any act against the public order such as suicide, self-injury, delinquency or running away from home, or any act of endorsing, soliciting, providing benefits or cooperation to, promoting, facilitating or inducing the same;
(7) Any act of misrepresenting such User, irrespective of whether a User is a corporation or an individual; any act of providing information that gives rise to a falsehood or misunderstanding; any act of trying to cause a mistaken belief regarding any product or service, etc. of a certain business operator, etc. as being superior, or any act of slandering or criticizing any product or service, etc. of a certain business operator, etc. in order to decrease the reputation thereof;
(8) Any act against the Public Offices Election Act (Act No. 100 of 1950);
(9) Any act related to anti-social forces, etc., criminal organizations or illegal drugs (including law-evading drugs, inappropriate drug use such as drug abuse, and drugs or use thereof equivalent thereto), or any act falling under illegal gambling, unlimited multi-level marketing investment schemes (pyramid investment schemes), illegal business, fraud, forgery of official documents, manufacture or trading of illegal arms such as firearms, handguns or bombs, weapons, explosive substances or hazardous materials, or preparation or trading of illegal articles, information, etc., or any act of endorsing, soliciting, providing benefits or cooperation to, promoting, facilitating or inducing the same;
(10) Any act for the purpose of relationship, dating or sexual relations with any person of the opposite or same sex, any act falling under obtaining or Sending and Receiving personal information for any unsound purpose, or Sending and Receiving of any content related to sex-related business, prostitution, indecency, adult pornography, child pornography, child abuse, animal abuse, cruel content, etc., or any act of endorsing, soliciting, providing benefits or cooperation to, or promoting, facilitating or inducing the same;
(11) Any act of unauthorized access to any computer, website, telecommunications facilities, etc. operated by the Company or any third party, any act of cracking, attacking, communication jamming, intercepting communications, using the Service in a way or mode which interferes with any computer, website, telecommunications facilities, etc. operated by the Company or any third party, or any act of endorsing, soliciting, providing benefits or cooperation to, promoting, facilitating or inducing the same;
(12) Any act of unauthorized use or misappropriation of the User Information, Registered Information or Account Information, or any act of using the Service by impersonating another person;
(13) Any act of promotion, advertisement, solicitation or sales in the Service, which is not permitted in advance by the Company;
(14) Any act of collecting, reproducing, altering or erasing any third party’s information which is accessible from the Service, beyond the mode of use predetermined in the Service;
(15) Any act of providing any computer program which interferes with or causes damage to any third party’s business, such as a computer virus or file sharing software;
(16) Any act conducted for the purpose of manipulating rankings in the displayed results of any search engine, search tool, etc. (including, without limitation, any act of Posting, Etc. an identical or similar article multiple times through creating multiple accounts, or any act of using such created accounts to Post, Etc. any content and leading to any other website, account or Posted Content through hyperlinking to the same, etc., whether or not involving use of software, tools, etc.)
(17) Any act of sending or Posting, Etc. any message such as an email or content (including, without limitation, a specified email and spam email) which causes a sense of discomfort in the receiving party;
(18) Any act of investigating, collecting, using, disclosing or providing any personal information or privacy information in an unauthorized manner without clear consent from the subject person of such information;
(19) Any act of causing extensive burden on the operation of the Service or any other act of interfering with the same;
(20) Any act of decoding the source code pertaining to the programs contained in the Service by means of disassembling, reverse-assembling, reverse-compiling, reverse-engineering or otherwise;
(21) Any act of using the Service for any purpose other than the purposes of use of the Service, or any act of using (including any act of reproducing, sending, redistributing, modifying, etc.) the Content beyond the mode of use predetermined in the Service; or
(22) Any other act that the Company reasonably considers inappropriate.

Article 12. Interruption and Suspension of Service

1. If the Company considers that either of the following applies, the Company may interrupt or suspend the provision of all or any part of the Service:
(1) When it is difficult to continue to provide the Service due to any force majeure such as a natural disaster, including earthquake, fire, lightning strike, windstorm, flood, tsunami, and snow damage, or a blackout, decrease in power supply, unavoidable accident, laws and regulations, administrative guidance, administrative disposition, court order, war, terrorism, civil war, riot, epidemic or any other cause beyond the Company’s control;
(2) When it is required in order to conduct maintenance, engineering work, etc. of the equipment, devices, system, program, etc., which are necessary for the Service or the provision thereof;
(3) In the event of any failure, malfunction, etc. in the equipment, devices, systems, programs, etc. which are necessary for the Service or the provision thereof; or
(4) Any other case in which the Company considers it necessary to interrupt or suspend the provision of all or any part of the Service.
2. If the Company interrupts or suspends the provision of all or any part of the Service under the preceding paragraph, the Company shall notify Users in advance to that effect, except for in an emergency. In addition, when the Company interrupts or suspends the provision of the Service, it shall in no way be liable to Users or any other person, except for cases arising due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.

Article 13. Responsibility for Equipment, Etc.

1. Users shall engage in the preparation and maintenance of devices such as computers and software, and the communication environment such as telecommunications lines, etc. necessary for such Users to be provided the Service, at the Users’ own responsibility and expense.
2. Users shall take security measures such as preventing computer virus infection, and preventing unauthorized access and information leakage, at their own responsibility and expense and according to their own environment in order to use the Service.

Article 14. Cancellation of Registration, Etc.

1. If a User falls under any of the grounds listed below, the Company is entitled to temporarily suspend such User’s use of the Service, or to cancel his/her Usage Registration as a User, without being required to provide any prior notice or demand:
(1) Such User is in breach of any clause of these Terms;
(2) It is found that the Registered Information includes false details;
(3) Such User uses or tries to use the Service for a purpose or in a way that is likely to cause damage to the Company or any third party such as other Users or the Partners;
(4) Such User is unable to receive the provision of any service or cooperation by the Partners due to grounds such as breach of arrangement including terms of use set forth pertaining to any service provided by the Partners in relation to the Service;
(5) Such User hinders the operation of the Service, regardless of the means thereof;
(6) Such User becomes subject to suspension of payments or falls into insolvency, or any petition is filed in relation to such User for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation or any other proceedings similar thereto;
(7) Such User becomes subject to a disposition for dishonor, suspension of transactions by a clearing house, or any other measures similar thereto, with regard to any note or check drawn or accepted by such User;
(8) Such User becomes subject to the filing of any petition for attachment, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution or auction;
(9) Such User becomes subject to any disposition due to delinquent tax and public charges payment;
(10) Such User dies, or the Company reasonably considers that it is difficult for such User to use the Service based on the confirmation, etc. by the Company after recognizing that such User has become subject to a decision on commencement of guardianship, curatorship or assistance;
(11) Such User has not used the Service for more than six (6) months and has not responded to contact from the Company;
(12) Such User falls under any of the items listed in Article 3, Paragraph 3 above; or
(13) Any other case in which the Company considers the continued Usage Registration to be inappropriate.
2. If a User falls under any of the grounds listed in each item of the preceding paragraph, such User forfeits the benefit of time, by operation of law, in connection with all obligations owed by such User to the Company and must immediately make payment for all such obligations to the Company.
3. A User is entitled to cancel his/her Usage Registration by providing notice to the Company using the method prescribed by the Company.
4. The Company shall not be responsible in any way for any damage incurred by a User due to any act conducted by the Company under this Article 14, except for any damage arising due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.

Article 15. Company’s Responsibility

1. The Company makes no warranty pertaining to any of the matters related to the details of the Content. The Company makes no warranty pertaining to the Service, including with regard to its fitness for any particular purpose, commercial usefulness, integrity or continuity.
2. Even if a User acquires, directly or indirectly from the Company, certain information pertaining to any matters concerning the Service, the Company’s website, other Users of the Service, etc., the Company makes no warranty to such User beyond the details set forth in these Terms.
3. The Service may be provided in cooperation with any service provided by a third party (each, an “Outside Service”), and no warranty is made concerning such cooperation.
4. If the Service is in cooperation with an Outside Service, a User shall comply, at his/her own responsibility and expense, with any arrangement pertaining to said Outside Service, such as the terms of use set forth by the Partners providing the same, and, in the event of any dispute, etc. between a User and the Partners, such User shall settle the same at his/her own responsibility and expense.
5. Users shall investigate, at their own responsibility and expense, whether or not their use of the Service is in breach of any laws, regulations, industrial association’s internal rules, etc. applicable to such Users, and the Company makes no warranty that such Users’ use of the Service is in compliance with any laws, regulations, industrial association’s internal rules, etc. applicable to such Users.
6. Each User shall, at his/her own responsibility and expense, deal with or settle any transactions, communication, dispute, etc. arising between such User and any third party such as other Users or the Partners, pertaining to the Service or the Company’s website.
7. The Company shall in no way be liable for providing compensation for any interruption, suspension, termination, unavailability or change by the Company of the provision of the Service, deletion or disappearance of any information such as a User’s messages, cancellation of any User’s Usage Registration, disappearance of data or failure or damage of devices due to use of the Service or any other damage incurred by a User in relation to the Service, except for any damage arising due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.
8. Even if a hyperlink is provided from the Service to any other website or service, or from any other website or service to the Service, the Company makes no warranty pertaining to any website or service other than the Service or any information acquired therefrom.
9. The Company shall in no way be liable for providing compensation for any damage incurred by a User in relation to the Service, except for any damage arising due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence. Even if the Company is liable to provide a User with compensation for damage in connection with the Service due to the Company’s negligence (except for gross negligence), the scope of the Company’s compensation shall be limited to the actual, direct and ordinary damage arising to such User, excluding any damage pertaining to special damage, lost profit or the damage or disappearance of or loss of opportunity to use any data, irrespective of the existence of its foreseeability, and shall also be limited to the total amount of compensation for use of the Service that the Company actually receives from such User during the preceding six (6) months from the time when the reason for such damage arises.

Article 16. User’s Responsibility for Providing Compensation, Etc.

1. If any User causes any damage to the Company by being in breach of these Terms or in relation to the use of the Service, such User must provide the Company with compensation for such damage.
2. If any User receives any complaint from or gives rise to any dispute with any third party such as other Users or the Partners in relation to the Service, such User shall immediately notify the Company of the details thereof, handle such complaint or dispute at his/her own responsibility and expense, and report to the Company on the developments and outcome thereof in response to the Company’s request.
3. If the Company becomes subject to a claim for any reason such as violation of rights from a third party such as other Users or the Partners with regard to a User’s use of the Service, such User must provide the Company with compensation for the amount of money that the Company was forced to pay to such third party in response to such claim.

Article 17. Personal Information

The Company handles any information that it acquires in order to provide the Service (including User Information, Registered Information and any other personal information of Users) appropriately in accordance with the Company’s privacy policy. The Company’s privacy policy is accessible on the Service and is incorporated in these Terms by reference in this Article 17.

Article 18. Ownership of Rights

Any ownership and intellectual property rights pertaining to the Service and all websites related thereto (including, without limitation, this website and websites hyperlinked therefrom) as well as any content and any other factors constituting the same, shall be fully owned by the Company or any person who grants a license to the Company. Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, the license to use the Service based on the Usage Registration set forth in these Terms does not convey any assignment of or grant of license to use the intellectual property rights of the Company or any person who grants a license to the Company. Users shall not engage in any act which is likely to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the Company or any person who grants a license to the Company for any reason whatsoever.

Article 19. Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the Company and Users pertaining to the matters contained herein and supersede any prior agreement, representation and understanding pertaining to the matters contained herein, whether written or oral.

Article 20. Severability

If any clause of these Terms or any part thereof is declared to be void or unenforceable in accordance with any law or regulation, such as the Consumer Contract Act, etc., other provisions of these Terms and other parts of the provision that was declared partly void or unenforceable shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect, and the Company shall amend such void or unenforceable clause or part of a clause to the extent required to make it lawful and enforceable, and endeavor to ensure the purport and equivalent effect in legal and economic terms of such void or unenforceable clause or part of a clause.

Article 21. Survival

Each provision of these Terms shall survive even after termination of the Usage Agreement.

Article 22. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

1. These Terms and the Usage Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
2. The original of these Terms shall be in Japanese and any translated versions, such as an English version, may be prepared for reference purposes only. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Japanese original and the translation thereof, the Japanese original shall prevail.
3. All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise in connection with these Terms and/or the Usage Agreement between the Company and Users residing in Japan shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.
4. All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise in connection with these Terms and/or the Usage Agreement between the Company and Users residing outside of Japan shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The place of the arbitration shall be Tokyo, Japan, and the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in Japanese.

Supplementary Provisions

Executed on June, 30, 2022
Revised on December, 1, 2024